Purpose of the Policy
PressCane Limited is an Ethanol Distillery Complex that produces Anhydrous Alcohol (99.5% v/v minimum) and Rectified Spirit (95.0 – 97.0% v/v) through fermentation of sugars derived from sugarcane and distillation of the resultant alcohol.
The Company understands the importance of:
- Ensuring the safety and health of its employees and stakeholders;
- Continuous improvement in safety, health, environment and quality standards of its processes, products and services to remain competitive; and
- Mitigating potential impacts of its manufacturing processes and final products on the environment.
This Safety, Health, Environment and Quality Policy Statement underpins PressCane`s commitment to simultaneously achieve the three goals above through establishment of an Integrated SHEQ management system across all its operations.
Policy Objectives
By outlining this Policy, the Company is committing itself to attainment of the requirements of an Integrated SHEQ management system through realization of the following specific objectives:
- Demonstrating leadership and commitment in consulting and involving all workers on the Integrated SHEQ Management development and implementation;
- Communicating to stakeholders the policy, its goals, objectives and targets in manner that is compatible with its processes, operations and strategic direction;
- Demonstrating leadership and commitment in implementing the policy, and providing resources for the establishment, implementation and continual improvement of an effective Integrated SHEQ management system;
- Providing and maintaining a safe, healthy and conducive workplace environment for its employees and other persons under its control in order to prevent fatalities, work-related injuries and occupational illness, environmental pollution, property damage; and mitigating reputational risks;
- Ensuring that all its processes, operations, products and services conform to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015; and ISO 45001:2018 in addition to all applicable statutory requirements;
- Ensuring that hazards and environmental, occupational health and safety risks associated with its activities are properly determined and efficient operational controls are effectively established to eliminate or minimize them and/or their potential effects; and
- Implementing and maintaining a Company-wide occupational health surveillance system to protect the health of employees, obtained information for the detection of hazards and assessment of risk; and evaluation of control measures.
The SHEQ Policy, its strategic objectives and targets will be reviewed every three years or as and when need arises, to ensure its continual suitability, adequacy, effectiveness and alignment with the strategic direction of the Company.